Conversations that Matter

James L Consulting will help you identify, create and sustain new ways to be profitable
Many companies see the future, but don't know how to get there. James L Consulting will help you create your own road map. Through innovative coaching and training techniques that create innovation, strategy and sustainability, you will be confident that your best people will have the tools they need to make your future a reality.
We specialize in Executive Coaching that puts your best people in the greatest possibility for success. We can work with individuals or small teams, drawing the best out of each person, and challenging assumptions and changing perspective for the good of the task at hand.
With our Organizational Training, we help train and motivate your employees to think strategically and innovatively. We have wide-raning experience in a variety of industries and organizations. And through our years of training to thousands of employees, we understand that training your people is the fastest way to grow your intellectual capital.